Clondalkin Parish, Dublin 22

Clondalkin Village – Knockmitten – Clonburris

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Confirmation 2025

The Sacrament of Confirmation is only for boys and girls baptised in the Roman Catholic Church. Every boy or girl who wishes to receive Confirmation must be registered with our Parish and provide proof of baptism in order to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

To register your son or daughter for Confirmation, please click here.

If you have any queries, please contact the Parish Office on 01-4593520, (Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 12pm) or email

Confirmation Connects

First Connection – Journey of Faith: a chance to reflect on how far your children have come to get to where they are now, and what will be the next steps. We will focus on the call they received when they were baptised. We were chosen to represent God to the world and to help bring about God’s dream for the world.
The first in-person session will take place on Tuesday 19th November at 7 pm in Knockmitten Church hall.
The first Zoom session will take place on Wednesday 20th November at 7.30 pm.
The same material will be offered at both sessions so you can choose which one you would prefer to attend.
Gathering in the church: You and your children are invited to attend a gathering in the church to present them with a copy of the Gospel. This will take place on Wednesday 27th November at 7.30 pm.

Second Connection – Called in Faith:
  how we have been called by name and further exploration of what we are being called to do – to be a witness; to serve others.
These sessions will take place in January/February 2025.
Again, we will offer a choice between an in-person or Zoom session.
Gathering in the church:Presentation with the Our Father, the family prayer of the Church; the prayer Jesus taught us.

Third Connection – Living in faith: We will focus on the gifts the Holy Spirit given us to help us answer the call. We will look at how this looks in action, when we are listening to the Spirit.
This session will take place in March/April 2025.
 There will be a choice between an in-person or Zoom session.
Gathering in the church: Your children will be presented with a copy of the Apostles’ Creed, and this will take place during the Ceremony of Light.

Other things to watch out for:
Zoom Prayer sessions 20/20 will offer some short Zoom prayer sessions during the year for all parents (parents only, not children). This is to give an opportunity for some quiet time and you will be very welcome to join in at any time.
· Keep an eye out for parish events that your family might be interested in, particularly at Advent/Christmas, Lent/Easter.
· The Synod that is currently taking place is an example of the action of the Holy Spirit. See for more information.
· The Dublin Archdiocese has information also. See the Office for Mission and Ministry
Click on Accompanying Families, and Confirmation Connects will appear on the drop down menu.
You will find the Candidate’s Journal there and other information that might be useful, e.g. choosing a sponsor, choosing a name.

Dates for Confirmation 2025

Friday 2nd May:   Clonburris NS at 11am   (in Clonburris Church)

Wednesday 7th May:   Scoil Mhuire NS at 11am
Wednesday 7th May:   St. Joseph’s BNS at 1pm

Wednesday 14th May:   Scoil Aine NS at 11am
Wednesday 14th May:   Scoil Ide NS at 1pm

Wednesday 21st May:   Gaelscoil na Camoige at 11am
Wednesday 21st May:   Gaelscoil Chluain Dolcain at 1pm

A Ceremony of Light in preparation for Confirmation will take place in the weeks before the Confirmation. Arrangements of dates and times will be made with each school closer to the time.

Our parish will provide some resources directly to parents throughout the year, as they are made available throughout the diocese, to assist them and their children in preparing for the Sacrament. This is in addition to and complimentary of the Grow in Love programme which is being done in the RE classes in school.